What can I offer you
An opportunity to feel whole, connected with yourself and to see life in a completely new way
Support and guidance to change your inner space (the experience between mind, body & soul), your external environments at home or work or a blend of all (as your internal experience is intrinsically linked to your external experience and vice versa)
I offer a variety of services working with the beautiful Colour Mirrors system. This is your journey so select whether you would like guidance just for you, your home, your business space or a combined approach.
Equally, I love to bespoke my offerings to suit your project - so please do let me know if you have specific requirements.
1 off session
6 or 12 package
Spiritual Mentoring and support on your personal development journey
- 6 or 12 session packages bought in one transaction - discount offer available
- Alternatively installment payment plans available - please contact to discuss
Sessions can cover any life issue including topics such as health, wealth, relationships
Home or Business
An empathic and empowering approach to transforming your home or business space so that you can live and work symbiotically in harmony with your external surroundings
Home or Business
Bring Colour Mirrors and sound* into your home or business space for a beautiful ceremony to clear discordant energies
* during in person clearings only
Colour Mirrors
I offer all Colour Mirrors trainings; become a Colour Mirrors Practitioner and / or Teacher. These are powerful courses that can be used for your own spiritual development or add to your existing energy modality / service offerings
Sharing Circles
Online or in person
Colour sharing circles and workshops covering a range of ‘life issues’, offering you the chance to express, share and energy clear in a safe group setting
Bottles & Essence sprays
Colour Mirrors oil bottles & spray essences for purchase and your own use: experience the magic of using colour all the time! Experience the beauty of a Colour Mirrors oil bath or use your essence spray for that supportive boost